Kenna Olivia Spencer
Kenna Olivia Spencer
date of birth & age
December 28, 1998 & 19
kitchen/dining room, living room

When Kenna was just 2 and a half years old she began dancing lessons and began entering pageants, well her mother put her in pageants. Pageants are a huge part of the New Orleans scene even for toddlers. Kenna's mother had been watching Dancing with the Stars on television and Kenna began to copy the performances and next thing she knew she was dancing all over the place and she happened to be really good for a baby. She could memorize moves from one watch of an act. She had a talent, and most importantly that talent was a solo talent. She was able to hide away in her room and practice her moves by herself.

Her brothers and parents encouraged this, most of all her mother, who loved her only baby girl and doted on her. She could talk to her mother about any issues she had, she bathed her, dressed her, all maternal things, but she was also like a best friend to Kenna. Kenna could confide in her mother and tell her almost anything.

When she began middle school Kenna went through a period of depression. Her brothers had their father, and he did boy things with them, and she had her pageants and her mother, but something was missing, something that Kenna could not put her finger on just yet. (She would later find out that it was love that she was missing.)

She started her very own dance troupe in the seventh grade with her as the lead dancer. They managed to snag a gig at their schools pep rally that year after the cheerleaders went on. That was when people outside the Spencer house began to notice that Kenna Spencer had talent. Boys began to notice her even more so than anyone else. Kenna was becoming a star.

A couple of years later she began high school and Kenna realized that she was not like the other girls even more than she already knew. She had always been a dancer and it was her passion, she had the body for it, and the talent, but she began to realize that she was not like most girls, or even the other girls at school. She was beginning to realize just how much her fathers Kings affected her own life.

That was also around the time that she met (MALE). He was a son of a King himself, so he understood her family obligation. They began to hang out more and more at club events and when she was just 15 years old she fell in love. She has always been very passionate but she knew that with her father who he was she couldn’t rush such things and so she and the boy became best friends. They still hung out all the time, but they were not official, yet he didn't date anyone else that she knew about.

She also knew that college was not her dream before, and unlike most of the other girls she hung out with, she knew she would someday marry her own King and stay within her fathers club family. Her dream was to someday marry her best friend and open her own dance studio.

Kenna had to finish high school but her junior year of high school, she got the nerve to go see a talent agent to discuss her potential career. Maybe in the outside world people would focus on her moves and not her being a Kings daughter, but that wasn't true here in Nola. The agent was concerned to be hiring this young girl to dance in her company. Needless to say Kenna told her father.....

Today, she's about to turn 20, she's working as a server and dances on the side with a respectable troupe in town. They dance in a lot of the parades here in Nola, but she is wanting to go out on her own now, and finally begin the works on opening her own studio, and earn even more money to take care of herself and her man who she has been dating since they were 15. When they turned 18 he went to her father to ask permission to date her and so technically they’ve only been official a year, but shes been in love almost 5 ywars.

oldest brother
older brother